Never underestimate the power of research when you’re making art–or doing anything else.

I wanted to illustrate a picture showing the concept of ‘chance’, or, ‘one in a million’. Let me start out by saying that I don’t believe in chance or luck. There is an order to the universe as it was created, whether it makes sense to us or not.

But I digress.

So, like anyone else in the 21st century, I hit up Google, who was more than able to provide me with ‘one in a million’ examples. Lots of the articles got math-heavy, which was sort of what I was looking for, but then I stumbled onto this little gem of a list.

And by little, I mean 109 things. Soon, instead of working on my project, I was entranced by 109 instances where things happened that we couldn’t believe, with photos.

Take a break and enjoy these crazy circumstances. It will brighten your day here.

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